Court Volunteer Pre-Screening Questionnaire Court Volunteer Pre-Screening Questionnaire Name* First Last Email* Phone1. Are you able to commit to a year of service with EFry? Yes No 2. Can you volunteer for 3-4 hour weekly shifts during business working days and hours? (Monday-Friday – between 8am-4pm in scheduled shifts)? Yes No 3. Are you currently seeking employment? Yes No 3a. If seeking employment is this full time? Yes No 3b. If seeking part time employment are you willing to shift your employment around a weekly volunteer commitment? Yes No 4. Are you a full time student? Yes No 4a. Do you have flexibility in your schedule? Yes No 4b. Will changing semesters impact your ability to commit for a year with consistency? Yes No 5. Do have plans for travel over the next 12 months? Yes No 5a. Does this trip involve time away for more than 14 days? Yes No 6. Have you championed a lengthy volunteer position previously? Yes No 6a. Did you successfully complete your commitment? Yes No 7. Have you had difficulty balancing obligations to meet all your responsibilities and personal aspirations in the past? Yes No 7a. have you had to quit a job, volunteer role, or a class in the previous 5 years due to challenging scheduling? Yes No 7b. Do you have personal awareness of how much responsibility you are able to commit to without creating challenges to your commitments? Yes No 8. Are you capable of committing yourself for a minimum of two – three hours per week for 12 months? Yes No 8a. Is there anything that could affect your commitment regularly? Yes No 8b. Are you able to be consistent to the volunteer position? Yes No 8c. Are you willing and available to attend all mandatory training for the position? Yes No 9. Are you comfortable in interacting and approaching others in conversation? Yes No 9a. Are you able to manage people in emotionally charged situations? Yes No 9b. Are you able to address difficult people with professionalism? Yes No 9c. Are you able to put personal biases aside to help others? Yes No 10. Are you able to work independently or with a team effectively? Yes No 10a. Are you able to take direction and constructive feedback? Yes No 10b. Are you able to seek supervision when uncertain? Yes No 10c. Are you flexible to adapt to changes? Yes No 11. Describe in a paragraph or two what commitment means to you.12. Please describe in a paragraph or two why you think you would be a good candidate for volunteering with EFry. Δ